Carnival Games
Browse Carnival Games For Your Next Event
Loved by kids and adults alike, carnival games are often simple, yet fun and exciting. We offer a large variety of carnival games for your next party, event or fundraiser. Browse our selection of some of the most classic and popular carnival games.
Carnival Game Options
3 in 1 Inflatable Carnival Game Booth
Our 3 in 1 Carnival Game Booth includes 3 different carnival games. Have your guests play touchdown Toss, Star Dart Toss and Gone Bananas. This carnival game booth is great for college events, fundraisers, or any other type of that wants to host a carnival event.
Balloon Pop
An all-time classic and easy to play. Simply throw a dart at the board full of balloons. Hit a balloon and win a prize.
Bull's Eye
Just as it’s name suggest, try to hit the bull’s eye to win prizes.
Bean Bag Toss
Much like corn hole, the bean bag toss game is another variation. Simply take the bean bags and take your chances at throwing them into the hole to win a prize.
Can Smash
Another classic, fun and easy carnival game is can smash. The objective is to know all the cans or pegs down in one throw to win.
Clown Tooth Knockout
Clown Tooth Knockout is for a player to throw a hacky sack and knock out one of the clowns teeth. This game is an amazing addition to any carnival themed event.
Duck Hunt
Yet another bean bag toss game. This one requires you to toss bean bags at the ducks. Know down 3 and you’ll win a prize.
Drop Zone
Drop Zone is super fun and easy to play. Simply take one of the pucks and drop it through the series of pegs until it reaches the bottom to identify the prize.
With Fish Bowl, players are given 3 balls and attempt to toss a ball into the bowl with a fish. Making it into an empty bowl does not give you a prize.

Money Wheel
The object is simple. Pick the symbol you think the wheel will land on, grab hold of the wheel and spin. If the wheel then lands on your selection then you have won.
Numbers is a super simple game to play. Each player takes turns tossing the balls. He/she then adds up the numbers to win.
Potty Toss
Players are each give rolls of toilet paper or balls to see how many they make into the toilet.
Ring Toss
With Ring Toss each player is a set of rings in an effort to have the ring land around the peg. The player with the most successful ring tosses wins.
Roller Ball
This is a super fun game that requires some skill to win. The object is roll the bowling ball over the hill without it rolling back. Te ball must stay within the dip to win.
Guide the ringed wand down the twisted metal rod. Do this without having the ring touch the wand and you have won. An alarm will ring each time the wand and twisted metal have touched indicating a loss.
2 Minute Drill
2 Minute Drill is a football throwing game designed to assess players’ skills on an interactive playfield. The game is equipped with three fixed circle targets and four pop-out targets that emerge approximately a dozen times throughout the gameplay. Additionally, the playfield incorporates scoring holes of varying sizes corresponding to three distinct skill levels.
Stand a Bottle
The object of this one is to stand the bottle using the ring on a string. Seems easy enough, but it far tougher than it sounds.